Initiation of SPARKS @ Anantapur
#Saahasam has taken one more #Step towards #Rural #Educational#Development. On this Diwali occasion we have started a program called #Sparks2k16 for 8,9 and 10 th class students in #Government #High#Schools to rise thier #Inner_Tallent and also we are announcing exiting money prizes (Rs.5000,2000 and 1000 ) along with saahasam certificates.
In this program , Each #Year we will conduct #3_Consequent_Tests on different dates.Each test will have all subjects along with #Aptitude#Reasoning and #GenaralKnowledge.
The pattern of this test named as #CCPR model #Correct_Choice_With_Proper_Reason . it means student has to chose the correct answer along with proper justification for the answer.

IT will increase their thinking capability and competitive spirit among the students.
This program will be started in #Anantpur district .
Our sinciere thanks to all teachers in that Z.p.h schhol for their valuable suggestions and time for our event and also I would like to thank my
best friend #Saahasam_Anantpoor_Coordinator Chandrahass Reddy and #Media for making this event grand success. But really I could say I got an amazing experience with children's and teachers on this #Diwali occasion.
I hope this is going to be a great success...
#Sparks2k16 #HopeForTheBest #DareEnoughServe


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